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At Alexandra Junior School, we are proud of our attendance record, which is above the national average. Good attendance means your child is at school for at least 97% of the time during a school year.
We closely monitor attendance and ask for clear and specific reasons for absence. Poor attendance affects children's learning and progress, and so we ask you not to take holidays during term time. Leave taken without permission is recorded as unauthorised.
We request that any absences are reported on the first day of absence by 9.30 am. Absences can be reported via email (admin.office@alexandra-jun.bromley.sch.uk), via phone call or message (0208 778 3961) or via the parentmail absence reporting system.
Understanding types of absence
Every half-day of absence from school has to be classified by the school as either authorised or unauthorised, therefore we require information from parents regarding any school absence.
Authorised absences are time away from school for illness and other unavoidable circumstances. General medical or dental appointments should be made outside of school hours or in the holidays if possible.
Unauthorised absences are those that the school does not consider reasonable. If you are unsure how an absence is likely to be classified please contact the school for advice. Our policy is not to authorise holidays during term time.
Frequent absence
Children with attendance below 95% are tracked and monitored carefully. If attendance does not improve additional support through the Education Welfare Officer may be provided.
Children may arrive at school from 8.30 am; the playground is open and supervised from that time. The doors open from 8.45 - 8.55 am. If you arrive after that your child needs to enter the school via the office and will be recorded as late on the registers.
Persistent late arrival at school is not acceptable. It disrupts the child’s learning and the learning of others in the class. The school day starts at 8.55am and we expect all children to be in by this time.
Lost minutes = lost learning
Being 15 minutes late each day is the same as missing two weeks of school!
Being 5 minutes late each day is 3 days lost!
Every School day Counts but every minute is equally important!
Absence Requests
You must complete an absence request form (Appendix 2 of the Attendance Policy, see below) to request absence from school. All requests for absences will be submitted to our Headteacher, Mrs Maragh. Please note that unless the request is for an event with exceptional circumstances it may not be approved and will be recorded as unauthorised.