Our Trust

Welcome to Nexus Education Schools Trust, a multi academy trust made up of eleven schools situated in the London Borough of Bromley in Kent.

  • Alexandra Infant School
  • Alexandra Juniors School
  • Balgowan Primary School
  • Bickley Primary School
  • Farnborough Primary School
  • Highfield Infant School
  • Highfield Junior School
  • Manor Oak Primary School
  • Perry Hall Primary School
  • Pickhurst Infant School
  • Worsley Bridge Primary School

NEST was first created in 2015 when Farnborough and Worsley Bridge schools came together to create a multi academy trust. On 1 November 2017 the trust expanded when it was joined by six more local schools - all judged to be good or outstanding by Ofsted, creating an exceptional and distinctive learning community of primary schools.

NEST schools together can transform and make a difference for our children, families, staff and communities.

At the heart of our belief system is our focus upon learning – a commitment to the classroom and the core purpose of education. At NEST our commitment to the learning process challenges all of our schools and academies to fully endorse the concept of collaborative learning. Just as our commitment to inclusion is a non-negotiable so too is each school’s contribution to inter-school learning and the development of a NEST wide professional learning community.


Nexus Education Schools Trust

NEST Mission, Vision and Values


“We have a moral purpose to provide excellence and opportunity for all, to enable lives to be transformed."


We believe all choices and decisions should be child centred. Pupils’ academic, emotional and social well-being is paramount to enable each child to aspire and be inspired with the opportunities within our schools

We believe that enhancing pupil progress and achievement is best realised through challenge, collaboration and partnership, based on strong accountability between member schools. 

Cooperation and interaction with stakeholders will create pride in NEST and a desire to be involved in its work. In addition, key partnerships with other organisations offer further opportunities to enhance learning and teaching across our schools.

Principles and Values

Our values are our set of guiding principles which taken together, define what we do and how we do it. They allow us to make the decisions and take action which drive us towards our vision and keep to our core mission. Our values are based on the cooperate values of our partner schools. The words may be different but the moral purpose remains the same.

Our schools VALUE:-

Achievement, Success, Inclusivity, Inspiration, Responsibility, Respect, Honesty, Trust, 

Enjoyment, Leadership, Collaboration, Opportunity, Confidence, Determination, Resilience, Creativity

Our NEST Core Values are supported through our principle of achievement inspired through the NEST ‘CHOICE’ circle  

Nexus Education Schools Trust believe that all decisions and choices should be child centred. We aim to nurture every individual, provide excellent education outcomes enabling our pupils to succeed and ultimately transform the life opportunities and aspirations of our pupils, allowing them to be fulfilled individuals within an ever changing world.

As an organisation we recognise that each school’s communities are different. We value each school’s uniqueness and its contribution; in ensuring pupils have the best education and experiences. Each school is distinct to the success of the organisation. We believe passionately that together we can make a greater difference; providing higher education outcomes and wider opportunities for our pupils and greater prospects for our staff and communities.

Each organisation commits to our CHOICE values. It is a reminder that we have made a choice to be a part of the wider organisation of Nexus Education Schools Trust and that we are all obligated to the community as a whole.


  • To develop a strong network of diverse and inclusive schools with similar values, aspirations and a commitment to enable all learners to succeed
  • To drive improvement within the collaborative and deliver excellent outcomes for all learners and leaders
  • To minimise the barriers to progress and achievement in the schools and communities in which we work
  • To advocate the interests of member schools and their children in local, national and global planning and policy
  • To achieve efficiencies in the provision and procurement of goods and services
  • To secure funding for educational projects within and beyond the Trust
  • To further develop successful educational partnerships beyond the Trust

NEST Governance

Effective governance in our Trust is supported by the following:

  • Five Trust Members
  • Seven Board Trustees
  • Trust sub-committees members from the Local Committee Hub 
  • Local Committees in each school
  • Forums and external advisors.

NEST Articles of Association


The Members are the guardians of the constitution, the vision and values of the organisation. The role is to appoint Trustees and to protect the moral purpose of the organisation.

Our Members:

  • C Lloyd
  • M Jones
  • S Charman
  • A Webber
  • P Chandler

The Trust Board has overall responsibility and ultimate decision-making authority for all the work of the Academy Trust, including the establishment and maintenance of the schools.

Our Trustees:

  • P Chandler
  • N Kimber
  • D Stacey
  • P Farrow
  • D Townsend
  • J Millins

Trust Committees support the work of the Trust through the monitoring and receipt of reports and information.

They have three key functions:

  • Provide representatives from partner schools Local Committee to give: -regional overview, scrutiny and challenge of academy education and financial performance; -to include pay/conditions, audit, standards.
  • Support forums for academy leaders and governors to shape and influence Academy Trust thinking to achieve the vision and its mission.
  • Ensure an effective flow of communication between the Local Committees, Hub Boards and the Trust Board.
  • Support the work of forums and leaders.

Central Team

NEST Chief Executive Officer (CEO) P. Farrow, is responsible for the development of Trust wide strategies and action plans for the improvement of educational standards and governance across the Trust; to be the ‘holder of the flame’ of the visions and values of Nexus and to ensure the communication of these externally, as well as to Trust staff, to secure educational success through effective strategic planning and execution.

Through inspirational leadership and rigorous policy development, the CEO will create a culture of constant improvement, implementing effective systems of organisation and control and high levels of professional standards to secure the highest possible achievement for all in every aspect of the Trust’s provision.

NEST Chief Finance Officer (CFO) A. Smith, is responsible for the financial health, sustainability and development of Nexus Education Schools Trust, its funding and financial systems and managing the Trust financial relationship with stakeholders and statutory bodies.

NEST Staff have a responsibility to support schools in attaining excellent outcomes, effective implementation of MAT wide policies and procedures, provide support and training to the wider organisation.

Staffing Structure 

Name Department Role

Paula Farrow

Central Team

Chief Executive Officer

Annick Smith

Central Team

Chief Financial Officer

Lorraine Ashley

Central Team

Teaching And Learning

Staff Training And CPD

Shirley Pugh

Central Team

Finance Support

Sam Dossetter


Company Secretary

Clerk And Governance Support

Advisors to the Trust

Wilkins Kennedy LLP – Accountants

221-227 High St, Orpington BR6 0NZ


Stone King LLP – Solicitors
Boundary House, 91 Charterhouse Street, London, EC1M 6HR


Academies are required to make available on request a procedure for dealing with complaints by parents of pupils.

This procedure must comply with The Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2010 and must offer:-

  • an opportunity to resolve the complaint with the Academy on an informal basis for example through discussion with a senior member of staff; 
  • a formal complaint stage when the complaint is made in writing, and 
  • a hearing with a panel appointed by or on behalf of the Trust and consisting of at least three people who were not directly involved in the matters detailed in the complaint, one of whom must be independent of the management and running of the school. 

Within the Nexus Education Schools Trust (NEST) each School has its own complaints policy. Each policy has been agreed with the school’s Local Committee and the Trust. Clear stages for complaints, and requirements, are given in each policy.

Where the academy-based complaints procedures have been completed and the complainant does not feel their complaint has been dealt with to their satisfaction by the academy they may contact the Multi Academy Trust in writing to request a review of the complaint investigation.

Generally the Multi Academy Trust will only look into complaints about academies that fall into the following two areas:

a) The academy did not comply with its own complaints procedure when considering a complaint or the academy's complaints procedure does not comply with statutory requirements.

The Multi Academy Trust cannot review or overturn an academy’s decisions about complaints but will look at whether the academy considered the complaint appropriately. The Multi Academy Trust will generally only do this after a complaint has been through the academy’s own procedure but may investigate sooner if there is evidence of undue delays by the academy. If the Multi Academy Trust finds that an academy did not deal with a complaint appropriately it will request that the complaint is reconsidered. Similarly, if the academy’s complaints procedure does not meet statutory requirements then the Multi Academy Trust will ensure this is put right.

b) The academy has failed to comply with a duty imposed under its funding agreement with the Secretary of State. 

The Multi Academy Trust will seek to resolve any concerns regarding potential or actual breaches of the funding agreement with the academy. The Multi Academy Trust will also consider evidence that an academy has failed to comply with any other legal obligation placed on it.

Investigations will not usually take place 12 months or more after the decisions or action taken by the academy unless the complainant has good reason for the delay in making the complaint.

The Multi Academy Trust reserve the right not to investigate complaints considered to be vexatious or malicious or where the Multi Academy Trust is satisfied with the action that the academy has already taken or proposes to take to resolve the complaint.

Complaints regarding school procedures or related to the Multi Academy Trust should be in writing and addressed to:

P Chandler, Chair of Trustees

c/o Worsley Bridge Primary School, Brackley Road, Beckenham, BR3 1RF.

Where the complaint is regarding the Chair of Trustees, please write to:-

S Dossetter, Company Secretary

c/o Worsley Bridge Primary School, Brackley Road, Beckenham BR3 1RF.